Friday, December 19, 2008

Bolt - 1U

We went for the cartoon BOLT last Sunday. I personally liked this cartoon movie, but hubby say Madagascar is better. :) I loved the idea how a dog can think himself as a Super Dog, and how he loved protecting wat he called...HIS HUMAN. Quote Bolt "SHE IS MY HUMAN!" So lovely!

Anyway, Bolt is another movie treat for Bryan. I told him few days in advance that we are going for Bolt,so Bryan was very anxious about it. Been repeating about it, just in case mommy and daddy forgot about the movie. Haha...

~he actually just woke up, and we are rushing to 1U already. Holding his current favourite cd, MyFM and ASTRO CNY songs....hehe
~Christmas tree in 1U

~Christmas stage setting in 1U
~i loved the SHINE from his bag.... :) like diamond strap!
~big cute Santa

~Wished it was his puppy

~guess wat is he trying to do?
~trying to do the "spilt" like the shaolin guy at the back! and Fell....

Well before the movie, we went for our dinner first..choosed to dine in Dragon-i Chinese Restaurant. Not impressed, but loved the ambience...

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